Tuesday, December 11, 2018


It's been a while but I'm trying not to judge myself for that or I'll just never write. This is a short, craft-y post. I've gotten back into crocheting recently so I made a witch hat for Halloween. Then I started making bags, for my Tarot and Oracle cards. I figure if I give them nice bags, it will help in my quest to learn them. The original cardboard boxes they came in are falling apart and this makes them easier to carry around. 

I still want to complete my own deck that I've been planning, with characters and gods from my world, someday. 

A witch on Halloween, with extra pictures for a better angle of the hat. 

I could stuff the point so it stays up but I honestly like it this way. 

And my cards in their bags~

I'll do a post about my decks someday. 

Happy International Lolita Day, by the way! Can't believe I forgot. I still want to build up a loli wardrobe, and become more involved in the local or online communities.

After my first bout of dysphoria (I didn't learn that's what it was until later), wearing lolita was the only way I could imagine feeling comfortable in my skin as a "girl." And I still love it, I still long for my chance to wear it. But these days I feel most comfortable, most of the time, in femme, fantastical but male-coded clothing. Like a poet or vampire or elven prince. Like a gothy aristocrat. Honestly, I want to look like Kamijo from the band Versailles. I've said that before, haven't I.